We are ready for the exam. We are very serious to do
well and hoping to get the best grade for the english lesson.
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Dear diary, Today is Ferri’s group for the presentation. However, Ms. Rella corrected the article, that is wrong because they was copied the article and trasnlated from indonesian into english. as a result their group did not become a presentation and told to improve their toefl assignments
November 29 th , 2017 After the exam last week, we are continue the presentation for the next group. The presentation is not running well, and consider this to be a failure. But this failure is a lesson for the next group for get better.
October 18 th , 2017 Dear diary, On this week, in the class we create the group for discussion the task. The task is for preparation to presentation the article about Civil Engineering. And for the next week, we must ready for presentation the article in front of the class. We must to prepare it.
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